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PROPOSAL - Melanie Carlone

My project will be a visual artwork composed of both collage and sculpture. This work will be concerning the general theme of space while also integrating themes of emotion. Titled "Emotional Space" an artistic work that physically illustrates a location in space, this space being a vacation/ amusement park of emotional bubbles.

The piece will take viewers on a trip through an emotional rollercoaster of different feelings that we all know very well, mimicking the many emotions that we all endure during pivotal moments in our lives. This work is meant to symbolize the subconscious mind while being portrayed through a vintage film. Inspired by vintage prints that depicted space travel as the future vacation hot spot, this work will bring that idea to life while implementing the theme of emotions.


My project titled "Emotional Space" will take inspiration from Joseph Cornell's boxes' work. The work itself will be displayed within an 8x10 shadow box, one that will be made from a shoebox altered to have a front opening. The inside will include a variety of mixed media such as collage, paint and 3D objects, the works will also include a variety of materials such as prints, construction paper, felt, clay, etc. The work will include clear spheres placed around in a space setting, each sphere will be a depiction of a specific emotion, trying to depict the ideal of emotional bubbles. The overall work will be somewhat cluttered and busy as these aspects will help convey the emotional rollercoaster that comes with all human feelings.


As my schooling career was mostly focused on applied arts, I've decided to follow the route towards my final project. As I've always enjoyed and appreciated applied arts I felt it would be the most meriting and beneficial choice. This project also relates to my interest in art directing, as it deals with creating a space /environment with multiple aspects and finding ways to make them work with one another. This project will help me with the layout design as each piece will need to be placed in its own designated area. Another beneficial aspect is that this project will also help me in finding ways to alter materials and create something new out of them, as playing with collage and 3D will push my limits and push me to attain new talents and ideas.


My project will be showcased on this website through the use of images and short film clips. The work will be showcased through various closeups and wide shots to define the different parts of the work. The final project will also include a flyer/brochure copy, meant to illustrate the vacation/amusement aspect that I wanted to create, the brochure will also be handmade using collage and an actual image of the finalized work.


List of materials-


A shoebox, prints, construction paper, felt, 3D objects, plastic spheres, styrofoam shapes, moss, rocks, paint (acrylic, gouache, etc.) glue stick, hot glue, scissors, Exacto knife, ruler





Nov 05- 20 - assembling 3D objects + collecting images/prints


Nov 20- DIY-ing shadow box


Nov 27- cutting prints and arranging layout + placement of 3D objects


Dec 03- taking photographs of the final product+ creating a flyer


Dec 04- submission of project








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